2007年1月19日 星期五

More on the "Nudelholz" topic

Non *.bioscience people, please skip this post, it won't be funny for you!

You have been warned!

For those who do not know ZhuTou, his job is to do science. If you should not yet have wondered about him constantly adding a "Notes and Reference" sections to his posts, now you know why he always does as scientists frequently do so.

Scientists are almost always on duty. This means, when they are at home, they will have their mind in their lab and when they're in their lab, they sometimes cannot stop thinking of home.

Recently, when performing some research on a website, ZhuTou noted a certain company selling an antibody against Nudel1) and mentioned this to a colleague who is a student from Caipirinha Country and had brought his future Nudelholz with him in order to be not so separated from her and had learned about this cute term during his on-the-job German course. It only took seconds until the question arose if there also was an antibody against Nudelholz, too. Unfortunately there is none yet available. So he will have continue to suffer some Nudelholz treatment...

Notes and References:

1) Nudel (in English: noodle, in Chinese: 麵條) is the name for a protein owned by the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. With certain mutations in this protein, the larvae will look like this tasty Italian food. Antibodies may be used to block or to detect proteins. So it really makes sense to sell antibodies against Nudel.
