Hi all, my name is ZhuTou. 豬頭. SchweinKopf. PigHead. I'm YaTou's husband. YaTou calls herself ㄚTou. "ㄚ" is BoPoMoFo for Ya instead of this certain chinese character which denotes this bird which normally produces sounds like "Kwaaaak" or "KwaakKwaakKwaak". And is very tasty in the fried state. The bird. YaTou is more tasty when she has not been fried.
YaTou has decided she'd need a BLOG. YaTou has decided, we'd need a BLOG. YaTou has decided I 'd need to join her BLOG. Hello YaTou, huhuuu! I am here! [waving my hands] Kuckuuuk! YaTou has decided. YaTou's next nickname will be Virago1).
YaTou? YaTou! Who actually is YaTou!? Let me introduce YaTou: You already know that she is my wife. She also is my Nudelholz!
A Nudelholz is:
1) a very innovative device for stroke rehab. It is a purely mechanical tool that bilaterally trains the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. She is intended for home therapy2)
2) a term of endearment for a spouse.
3) not applicable to males. That means, the term may not be applied to males. But the item. Ouch!
Still did not get it? For you Mandarin speaking folks out there, simply imagine the abusive potential of the GanMienGun [麵條別針] in your kitchen. English speakers, please refer to your noodle pin.
Why the F* do we need a BLOG? Everybody already owns one. Wouldn't it be just another place for littering verbal waste out there and increasing the entropy of the universe? BLOG is the modern Tamagotchi?
The answer is simple: Females love BLOGs. And shoes. And handbags. And jewelry. And luckily, BLOGs are for free, they are really money-savers and they do not use space in our wardrobe.
Here comes the point: Why YaTou needs a BLOG?? Because of she wants to become famous. And you already support her by reading her BLOG! And later she wants the whole stuff to published in print and become rich! Typical Chinese behavior. Point.
Anyway, as our life is so exciting that we decided not to get a TV, we'll gonna share some of our adventures and other stuff here.
You may subscribe to our BLOG by RSS-feed (use the Atom link below), then you'll get updates in your bookmarks.
Stay tuned and have fun!
References and Notes:
1) Virago has nothing to do with the little blue pill, she acts by looking at her, no need to swallow her. Virago is the English equivalent for the German "house dragon". Chinese readers please note that in western mythology, dragons are rather fearsome animals.
2) Hesse S, Schmidt H, Werner C. Machines to support motor rehabilitation after stroke. 10 years of experience in Berlin. J Rehabil Res Dev (2006) 43, 671-8