2007年1月20日 星期六

AMiToFo (阿彌陀佛)???!!!

More fun with Chinese and German!

This is a nice example for how we understand language and how our internal audio error correction system works: All the input that comes through or ears is aligned to that what we already know, what is stored in our memory. And when there is a good correlation, the mapping is passed on as sort of correct. If it still is not correct, some more input from outside is required...

Recently in the morning. ZhuTou & YaTou are having breakfast. ZhuTou & YaTou are listening to the radio. No morning show with Bla Bla speak and BOOOM BOOO Music that makes you stupid and kills your neurons, but Deutschlandfunk (DLF). You may listen live here! It outperforms TV as you are informed, but you don't have to stare in one corner of your livingroom all the time. Deutschlandfunk is one reason, why we do not want a TV.

For YaTou, Deutschlandfunk also is Deutschkurs (德文課). YaTou asks ZhuTou if someone named AMiToFo(阿彌陀佛) was working there, as they mention his name every day. What a funny name. If he was Muslim? Sounds a bit like GoofyAnnan. ZhuTou however does not understand: "I never heared about anyone with this name working for DLF". "But they mention his name every day. Is this that male guy's name at the microphone?". Indeed, the other week a female hosted that program and there was no "AMiToFo" mentioned. But the following week the other man was "AmMiKroFon" again - meaning "at the microphone" in German...

Notes and References

1) AMiToFo(阿彌陀佛) is a Buddhist Mantra recited at many occasions.
